Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Do I Really Need ...

We were asked to come up with ideas for a show on BBC 3 which followed the structure 'Do I really need ...'. Being on BBC 3 we had to consider our target audience and shows which the viewers would find interesting.

We brainstormed ideas in class which produced ideas such as VUD's and Designer labels, as well as more in depth personal things such as responsibilities and washing.

I personally liked the idea of the VUD's as it is relevant to a modern society and more people are becoming reliant on things such as TV's and computers. I propose a competition format which means 5 individuals are placed in an area with no technology such as screens and mobile phones in a Big brother esc show. The emphasis would be more on how the individuals deal with having no VUD's as opposed to how they interact with each other.

Shift happens was a video which greatly inspired my idea as it is further evidence of how modern culture is changing to become more reliant on technologies that exist, and are still in production.

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